A Love for God

“Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.” Matthew 22:37

Jesus was asked which of the commandments was the greatest in the law. From the context, we can assume that the purpose of the question was to give Jesus the opportunity to say something wrong, something that could be used against him in the court of public opinion. The question came from a lawyer who evidently did not believe that He was the Messiah. No doubt, this lawyer had debated this very question with other lawyers and had an answer in his own mind that made sense to him. Evidently, the lawyer expected Jesus to single out a certain commandment as being the most important, and he thought that he would then have the opportunity to argue the point in front of everyone present and show that Jesus was wrong. But rather than picking out one particular ordinance that was significant in its ability to add righteousness to anyone who could keep it, Jesus revealed the purpose of the law by showing how it points us back to our Creator. His answer was both simple and profound. What is the greatest commandment? Love God. Love Him wholly and completely. This one law is the basis of every other command in the Bible.

God loves us, and what He wants more than anything is for us to love Him in return. Most of us begin each day looking for ways that we can please ourselves. What if we replaced our selfish desires with a deeply-rooted passion to find ways to please our Heavenly Father? What if we truly loved God?

Morning: Exodus 34-35

Evening: Matthew 22:23-46