The Spiritual Seesaw

“And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.” Matthew 23:12

Gravity is a powerful force. We live with it every day. If the law of gravity were altered even slightly, it would fundamentally change the way we experience life. God created gravity and set its powers in place so that it affects the movement of objects and how their movements impact one another. These principles come into play when we try to understand what makes a seesaw work. The end of the seesaw with the heaviest weight goes down, and the other end goes up.

In the scripture above, one person is exalted while the other is abased. In other words, one goes up and the other goes down. It is a little bit like a physical seesaw, but the spiritual seesaw of humility is somewhat mysterious because it seems to work in reverse. The way to dominate on the seesaw is to have the most physical weight. You may have had an experience at some point in your childhood when someone who was older and bigger was on the other end of the seesaw and wouldn’t let you down. They had the advantage, they were in control, and you were totally at their mercy.

The principles that govern our interaction with people are also set in motion by God, and they are just as powerful and absolute as the law of gravity. If you exalt yourself, you will be abased. If you humble yourself, you will be exalted. So, there is only one way that you can be exalted. Humble yourself.

Morning: Exodus 36-38 

Evening: Matthew 23:1-22