The Unavoidable

“Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels? But how then shall the scriptures be fulfilled, that thus it must be?” Matthew 26:53-54

Peter had followed Jesus for more than three years. He had left everything, and had become one of Jesus’ most faithful disciples. He had hoped that Jesus would soon set up His new kingdom in Jerusalem and that he might have a place of prominence in this new world-wide empire. He knew that Jesus was completely good and that He was unlike any other person he had ever met. He had been amazed to hear Jesus’ teaching and astounded by the miracles He performed as they traveled from place to place. Peter was convinced that Jesus was the promised Messiah and that His kingdom would be more noble and worthy than any kingdom before it. Peter was aware that the religious leaders rejected the idea that Jesus was the Christ, but he had hoped that they would eventually come to their senses and proclaim that Jesus was the long-awaited Messiah. Peter tried to defend Jesus against the mob that came to arrest Him in the garden, but Jesus corrected him. Jesus’ arrest was something that Peter did not want to happen, but it was unavoidable. Scripture must be fulfilled. The Messiah must be cut off for the people (Daniel 9:26). Jesus had prayed in the garden, “Let this cup pass from me,” but it was the Father’s will. Sometimes God allows unavoidable things in our lives, and we must be willing to let Him use them for His glory.

Morning: Leviticus 14

Evening: Matthew 26:51-75