Their Faith

“When Jesus saw their faith, he said unto the sick of the palsy, Son, thy sins be forgiven thee.” Mark 2:5

Very early in Jesus’ ministry, word began to spread that He was healing people. Each time He healed someone, everyone present would tell others about what they saw. Those who had been healed excitedly shared their miraculous experience with everyone they came in contact with. As a result, people with all manner of infirmities began flocking to Jesus in hopes that they, too, might be healed.

Four men decided that they wanted to bring their friend to Jesus to be healed. We do not know how far they carried their friend, but we know that when they finally got to the house where Jesus was, the house was full of people and there was no way they could get in. The men were probably frustrated at first, but they refused to give up. They were determined that they would get their friend to Jesus. They carried their friend up on the roof, made a hole in the roof, and lowered their friend through the hole with ropes. They let him down right in front of Jesus. When Jesus saw what they had done, he was impressed with their faith. He did not reprimand them for interrupting His teaching or for tearing a hole in the roof. He responded by healing their friend. The Bible says that when Jesus saw their faith, He healed their friend. Are you believing that God is going to do great things for someone you know? Your faith could make the difference in someone’s life today.

Morning: Leviticus 26-27

Evening: Mark 2