God Created

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Genesis 1:1

God created everything. He is the Creator of all things. He is creative in His very nature. In His creation, there was perfection. Everything was meticulously designed, and He created everything in the perfect order. He did not make the birds before He made the atmosphere (firmament) for them to fly in, nor the cows before He gave them grass to eat. It was all within His perfect plan.

It was Satan’s desire to ruin God’s paradise on earth. He understood that mankind was God’s purpose for everything that He had created, so Satan attacked Adam and Eve. He did not have any other reason to try to destroy the human race except that we were the object of God’s love.

Adam and Eve made a choice. They could have rejected the temptation of the evil one and obeyed God’s one command, not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. But instead, they listened to Satan’s lie and in taking of the fruit of the tree, they plunged the human race into the bondage of iniquity and brought the entire creation under the curse of sin.

As we begin a new year, how would you categorize yourself? Are you creative or destructive in your nature and actions? Are you more like God, or more like Adam and Eve? What could you begin in your life this year that would bring glory to God?

Morning: Genesis 1-3

Evening: Matthew 1