Our Works and Our Thoughts

“Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established.” Proverbs 16:3

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a condition that has been diagnosed in young people in one form or another since the 1970s and has been a source of great debate with regard to its definition, its causes, and what is considered proper treatment. One of the characteristics that often leads to a diagnosis is difficulty paying attention. Some deny that ADHD is actually a mental disorder, while others insist that it is real and that medications should be administered regularly as a proper treatment. Regardless of our opinions of ADHD, it is true that many people struggle to pay attention in certain situations. We can attribute this to a lack of interest, a lack of focus, or even a lack of character; but sometimes it can be caused by a spiritual problem. Our thoughts are an indicator of our spirituality. “A double minded man is unstable in all his ways,” (James 1:8). The Bible has a lot to say about controlling our thoughts (see Isaiah 26:3, Proverbs 23:7; 25:28, and II Corinthians 10:5), but this passage approaches the issue from the opposite direction. It says if we commit our works to God, our thoughts will be established. This requires a mental decision to allow God to set the direction for our lives. As we commit our works to God, we set new goals, and those new goals establish new thought patterns for us. When we find ourselves confused in our thinking, we can clear our thoughts by centering our focus on the work that God has given us to do.

Morning: Proverbs 16-18

Evening: II Corinthians 6