Enoch Walked with God

“And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.” Genesis 5:24

Enoch was the seventh generation from Adam. His father’s name was Jared and he had a son named Methuselah who lived to be 969 years old, the oldest person recorded in scripture. Not much else is known about Enoch, but he was surely unique in human history.

Enoch walked with God. We understand this to mean that Enoch lived his life with a constant awareness of God. He was always conscious of his Creator and made his daily decisions based upon his knowledge of God’s character and his understanding of God’s desires for mankind. Enoch must have understood the value of prayer, and he evidently spent a great portion of his time talking with God.

Enoch’s attitude and lifestyle attracted God’s attention, and God did something very special for Enoch. Hebrews 11:5 says that, “…Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and…before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.” Enoch’s faith in God was extraordinary and God rewarded his faith by allowing him to pass from this life to the next without having to experience death.

Sometimes it seems difficult for us to measure our own devotional life, but we can see from this story that God is certainly measuring it. How aware are you of God’s presence in your life? How much do you pray? Enoch’s example should encourage us to walk closer with the Lord today.

Morning: Genesis 4-6

Evening: Matthew 2