Clay in the Potter’s Hands

“Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker! Let the potsherd strive with the potsherds of the earth. Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it, What makest thou? or thy work, He hath no hands?” Isaiah 45:9

God made you. This is certainly a basic thought for any person who believes in the existence of God and His work of creation, but the implications are far reaching within our identities and thought processes. This passage pronounces woe upon the person who questions God, especially in His exercise of His prerogative as Creator. However, for as obvious as it seems that one should never try to pass judgement on God’s handiwork, it appears to be quite a common problem among believers. So many people are unhappy with the way that God made them, and they blame Him for their overall dissatisfaction in life. We are likened to clay in the passage above. Clay is pliable, inanimate, and passive. God has made us as we are, and He is continually working in our lives to make something special for His glory. Each of His creations is unique and is created to fulfill a specific purpose within His master plan. We must be willing to accept His role as our maker and allow Him to continue to work in our lives so that we can bring glory to Him. God gave you the intellect, appearance, health, strength, abilities, and aptitudes that you have. He wants to work in you and through you to accomplish His will in your life. He has people for you to help, encourage, and teach. Our lives make so much more sense when we become clay in God’s hands.

Morning: Isaiah 45-46

Evening: I Thessalonians 3

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