“I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.” Revelation 1:8
Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet and omega is the last. The Lord is making a powerful statement here regarding the perspective we need to have in order to gain a proper understanding of our existence in His universe. We are naturally egocentric beings, but God is telling us that everything is actually about Him. He was before all things (Colossians 1:17), and He will remain the center of all things for all eternity. In Genesis 1:3, God gave us light; in John 1:9, He gives light to every person; and in Revelation 22:5, He is the light of heaven for eternity. He is Alpha because He is the Creator. He conceived the master plan for the entire universe, and He designed the smallest molecules and the tiniest atoms from which all things are made. He understood all things concerning our existence before He created us. He determined that He would give us a free will in spite of the fact that He knew that we would rebel against His laws. He knew that He would have to redeem us when we went astray, and He was willing to provide Himself as the sacrifice for our sin. He is the Omega because He commands the future. God tells us in His Word what things we can expect to happen at the end of the age and into eternity. Good news, Christian! If He is the first and the last, then He is everything in between. That means He cares for you today, and He will guide you all the way.
Morning: Hosea 1-4
Evening: Revelation 1