“Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” Amos 3:3
God sent Amos to preach to the people and warn them of their sin and the coming judgment. The people had rebelled for so long that God’s patience was wearing thin. God said, “Behold, I am pressed under you, as a cart is pressed that is full of sheaves” (Amos 2:13). God wanted His people to worship Him and obey His commands. The people wanted God’s blessings, but they did not want to be bothered with the many details of the Old Testament Law. Serving Jehovah restricted their freedom and consumed their time. By asking the simple question above, God was forcing them to face the root of their problem. By failing to obey His commandments, they were refusing to walk in His direction. The Lord has given every person a sovereign will. Each of us has the freedom to choose the way we want to go in life. If two people are walking through a field together, they can only continue to walk together as long as they agree on the direction they are walking. If either person chooses to go a different way, they will soon be separated. Even if their change in bearing is very slight, they will immediately begin to drift apart and gradually get further away from each other. This same principle applies to our spiritual condition. We can only walk closely with the Lord when we choose to follow Him and walk the way that He has chosen for us. How closely do you feel God’s presence in your life today? Do you feel that He is walking along with you? If not, how can you change your course to match His?
Morning: Amos 1-3
Evening: Revelation 6