From Glory to Glory

“But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.” II Corinthians 3:18

Paul says here that when we read the Word of God, we can see the glory of the Lord, and we are gradually changed to be more and more like His image as we allow the Holy Spirit to work in our lives. This is a lifelong process, so it doesn’t happen if we just open the Bible randomly and read one verse. He says it happens “from glory to glory,” or from one transformation to the next. The example Paul uses in the preceding verses is what happened when Moses came back down from the mountain where he had been meeting with God. Moses had been in the presence of God so long that his face was literally shining. His face shone so brightly that the people could not bear to look at him, and they asked that he put a veil over his face. Paul said that some people seem to have a veil over their faces when they read the Bible because it doesn’t have an effect on them. He is encouraging us to read God’s Word with an “open face” so that the truths of scripture will take effect and make a difference in our lives. We should have a desire for the truth to have an impact on our lives. Be honest with yourself. Is the Bible changing you? God wants us to always be growing spiritually. These changes happen slowly, but they should be happening. We should be becoming more loving, more patient, and more compassionate each day.

Morning: Proverbs 8-9

Evening: II Corinthians 3