“For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.” Psalm 75:6-7
Many people dream all of their lives of making it to the top. They want to experience the heady rush of adrenaline associated with being well-known, famous, and important. From the first day on the job, they are looking for a promotion. They want a new title, a new office, or a new position. Inevitably, this desire to get ahead drives them to seek the favor of man. The scripture above is clear. East, West, and South are horizontal directions from which we might search for someone to help us become important; but God is above all, and He is the One Who decides who will be promoted and who will not. His prerequisites are different from those generated from the human perspective, and His discernment of personal character and qualifications is unimpeachable. If we are looking for an important person to give us an inroad into the next level, we are looking in the wrong direction. If we are scouring the landscape to find people who will follow us and make us feel more important, we are going about it the wrong way. The One we need to worry about impressing is God. He will decide how far we make it in our career and how high we will be able to climb. Jesus taught us that the servant is greatest of all and that the person who wants to lead must learn to serve. The Lord is going to decide how far we go in life. Are we doing our best to impress Him?
Morning: Psalms 74-76
Evening: Romans 9:16-33