Having No Shepherd

“But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd.” Matthew 9:36

We like to think of ourselves as being capable, resourceful, and self-sufficient. We tend to believe that we can make our own way in life, and that if we work hard enough we can accomplish anything we set our minds to. The way that God sees us is quite different from that. When Jesus saw the multitudes, He saw them as sheep. Sheep are helpless animals. They don’t know how to defend themselves. They need someone to help them find food and water. They need someone to provide shelter from the elements, a place for them to sleep at night, and protection from predators. They need someone to shear their wool and look after their general health. They need a shepherd.

When Jesus sees us, He sees our need of a shepherd. We need sustenance, protection, and guidance. He is the Great Shepherd, and He wants to provide for us. He knows that we need Him, but He allows us to choose how closely we follow Him. Of course, the first step is to accept Him as Saviour. After we are saved, He promises to give us everlasting life. A guarantee of living in heaven forever provides a complete assurance, and that assurance can lead to self-sufficiency. We must remember that after we are saved, we are still sheep. We still need our Shepherd. We need Him for everything. We must constantly look to Him as our Great Shepherd.

Morning: Genesis 31-32

Evening: Matthew 9:18-38