“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. For I rejoiced greatly, when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in thee, even as thou walkest in the truth. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.” III John 2-4
In his greeting at the beginning of his third epistle, John expresses his wishes that Gaius, the recipient of the letter, would prosper and be in health physically as his soul prospered. John obviously esteemed Gaius as a very spiritual person, and John was pleased to have heard about the strength of his relationship with the Word of God. At the end of the passage above, John refers to “my children,” giving us the impression that Gaius was one of his converts. John rejoiced because of how much of the Bible Gaius knew (the truth that is in thee) and that Gaius was living his life according to scripture (thou walkest in the truth). John said that he had no greater joy than to hear that his converts were living according to scripture. How much does the Bible influence your life in a week’s time? Does the truth of scripture affect how you talk? Does it affect the places you go and the people you spend time with? Does it influence the way you spend your time and your money? If John had led you to Christ, would he be happy to hear about the things that are important to you and the way you spend your discretionary time? Every Christian’s goal should be to live every day walking in truth. We must first endeavor to know the Bible, and then we must decide to obey it.
Morning: Daniel 8-10
Evening: III John